Extreme Sports Dedication

You’ve all seen these videos. The prodigy basketball, football, boxing..whatever kid. There are tons of specialists arguing both sides if this is good or bad for the kid. But here’s a new thought.

Husband/Father – The above video shows a 9 year old girl who probably spent her entire life training. That is great that she has this dedication to do these things. However, where did the inspiration come from? Fatherly (yeah I know I love what they write about) had an article about the kid doesn’t care about the game and just wants to spend time with you. I believe this expands beyond watching sports but almost anything. Kids want to participate. If I’m washing the car, taking out the garbage or cleaning the house..my kids want a piece of the action. The same goes for sports. I’m not a fan of forcing kids to play a sport. I’d rather their curiosity spark the interest and it is up to parents to assure they follow through with their dedication. This goes for kids of a certain age. When they are too young it is pointless.

There is also only so many hours in a day. The kid is clearly sacrificing something to spend 4 hours a day doing the activity.  So what are they giving up?  Is it schooling?

Wife/Mother – These examples are extreme and I don’t support such things. Kids should be kids and if they are the 1% and infatuated with a task it is up to the parents to keep them leveled.  The goal isn’t to spend your entire waking day to play a sport.  The goal is to spend what limited time you have to do the best you can.

Older Child – He hasn’t showed any passion for anything outside of construction trucks.   If anything he lacks the focus  on the activity at hand.

Younger Child – Too early to tell what he has passion for.  I do know that he loves to have fun and be around friends.  Let’s pray he’s like this for the rest of his life.

Author: Will

Besides the typical father, husband...trying to make ends meet bio here are some more interesting bits about me: Chinese descent but I'm as American as apple pie. Yes I respect my heritage but it wasn't a huge part of my upbringing. I work in technology and respect it but I'm coming close to burn out of all the gadgets and software. The old fashion way is starting to appeal to me. I'm writing this blog with my family in hopes to take a different perspective of advising families on the challenges I see and we face.

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